Meet “The Emperor’s New Shoes”


The Emperor’s New Shoes is a UK-based natural running store that sells shoes and accessories (including Correct Toes) and offers advice and coaching to enable people to run as nature intended.

We recently had the chance to interview the owners of The Emperor’s New Shoes, Sam Murphy and Jeff Pyrah. Here’s our conversation:

Please tell us a bit about yourselves and The Emperor’s New Shoes.
We have both been avid runners for decades – we fell in love with barefoot running and minimalist shoes a few years back, but quickly realised that they were very hard to come by outside of London. People had heard of them, but not seen them or tried them. So we set up the Emperor’s New Shoes as an online and mobile store. We go to races and events to talk to runners about the benefits of natural footwear, and give them an opportunity to actually feel these shoes on their feet. All the shoes we sell fulfill certain criteria – a wide toe box, lightweight, flexible, and low or no heel-toe drop. We only sell shoes that we have personally wear-tested and liked, along with a select range of accessories that help people maximize their performance, such as nutritional products and, of course, Correct Toes!

How were you introduced to Correct Toes?
Sam found Correct Toes whilst researching plantar fasciitis, which she was suffering from for over a year. They immediately struck a chord – ‘it was as if I’d found a product that I’d already invented in my mind!’ she says. She ordered a pair and had such good results from using them that when we set the shop up, approaching NW Foot & Ankle to stock them was an obvious step.

What results have you seen in your clients and customers using Correct Toes? Which types of people have benefited the most?
The majority of our clients have been barefoot runners and other ‘barefoot living’ enthusiasts – mostly those with injuries or foot problems which are hampering their progress. Often, they’ve tried all the usual channels – they’ve had cortisone injections, or tried orthotics, for example – without success so they’ve been searching for an alternative solution and have become interested in natural foot health. Many customers who have purchased a pair have come back to us to buy a second pair for a partner or friend. We’ve also had pilates instructors, personal trainers and yoga teachers receive the product really well and recommend it to their clients. Here is some customer feedback:

‘Correct Toes have made a real difference to the health of my feet. I wear them every day for pretty much everything. I’m especially impressed by how comfortable they are for running.  I recently completed the annual Man versus Horse marathon wearing a pair.  Despite poor conditions – high water and deep mud – I hardly noticed them.  I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them.’  

‘I bought Correct Toes because of bilateral plantar fasciitis. It’s been a couple of months since buying them, and my condition has improved. I am not in pain anymore, and can walk about as much as I want. I have not yet returned to running – I will give it a couple more months and then start running barefoot.’

‘I purchased Correct Toes for a possible hallux valgus and have found them to be very successful in treating my ailment.  I have also been using Vibram Fivefingers, massage and exercises.’

An increasing number healthcare professionals, fitness educators, and coaches/trainers throughout the world are incorporating Correct Toes into their practices. Do you see a role for Correct Toes and and its associated natural foot health principles in running, athletics, and coaching?
We definitely believe they have a role to play in helping athletes improve their foot health – especially mobility and strength, which is often lacking in those who wear ‘traditional trainers’ all the time. They can also mark the end of foot pain/problems for runners – including neuromas and plantar fasciitis – allowing them to train more consistently and subsequently achieve better results. People are always interested when Sam takes off her trainers and has Correct Toes on! We think there is scope for so many more runners to benefit – the challenge is getting them to switch into better footwear, that will enable them to accommodate CTs.

Thank you, Sam & Jeff, for sharing your experience, and for helping keep our friends ‘over the pond’ running strong and pain-free!

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